if there is any trait of myself which i want to get rid of, it would be; judgementalism towards others.
many times, we humans forget that we are humans too,
but, what gives us the right to judge ?
many times, we pinpoint our fingers at that somebody and label him as nobody.
may i ask, who are we to do that?
the question now is, why are we being so judgemental?
it's really an irony.
as much as i hate myself for being so judgemental, a part of me tells me that i have to.
the reason being; it's a self-defence mechanism which we humans has adopted over the years.
we ourselves were once victicm of such unfair treatment.
to get even, we treat others with such unjust.
this is a never ending cycle, until probably everyone opens up their mind and accepts everyone for who they are.
judgementalism kills .
it kills the grace which all human should have.
it kills off the charisma of any normal being.
judgementalism is thereby a murderer of all the good traits found in a human being.
thus, redeem yourself! redeem mankind.
stop judgementalism!
many times, we humans forget that we are humans too,
but, what gives us the right to judge ?
many times, we pinpoint our fingers at that somebody and label him as nobody.
may i ask, who are we to do that?
the question now is, why are we being so judgemental?
it's really an irony.
as much as i hate myself for being so judgemental, a part of me tells me that i have to.
the reason being; it's a self-defence mechanism which we humans has adopted over the years.
we ourselves were once victicm of such unfair treatment.
to get even, we treat others with such unjust.
this is a never ending cycle, until probably everyone opens up their mind and accepts everyone for who they are.
judgementalism kills .
it kills the grace which all human should have.
it kills off the charisma of any normal being.
judgementalism is thereby a murderer of all the good traits found in a human being.
thus, redeem yourself! redeem mankind.
stop judgementalism!